I grew up before internet and mobile phones, shocking I know. My summer days were spent swimming in the river, feeling the warmth of our star, the sun, on my skin, and reading voraciously. And summer nights I slept outside beneath the milky way, making sure to stay awake until I saw at least one “fireball” meteor, and tracking the phases of the moon. So, ever since a very young age, I have felt a sense of awe about our place in our solar system, galaxy, and universe.

My parents were (and still are) avid naturalists, and they inspired me leave the world better than I found it, and to share the beauty of it with others. I want to pass this legacy on, and photography is a big part of how I do that.

Whether I’m laying perfectly still on the forest floor, scrambling up a rocky outcropping, getting soaked by the mist of a 270 foot waterfall, or staying up all night to watch a meteor shower, I love to find the unique perspectives of nature that come only with patience, mindfulness, and occasionally, discomfort. And because humans are part of nature, sometimes I include architecture, engineering and other human impacts in my landscapes.

While nature photography is perhaps the least “monetizable” of my offerings, if it inspires others to care about our delicate planet, then that is priceless! Even as infinitesimally small as I am, it is my hope that the ripples of my actions will one day radiate throughout the universe.